

In the aftermath of World War II, a local girl in a farm village in Japan met a young American serviceman in the occupying forces. When they fell in love, like thousands of other intrepid women, she gave up family and friends for an unknown life as a "war bride." Here is her unforgettable story, told as only it could be by the man for whom she risked all. Brave with them all of society's barbs of prejudice, and the vindictive ploys of a heartless USAF bureaucracy determined to break them up

A Link to the book’s web page is here

Amazon.com also stocks the book. Follow this link.



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私は技士生活30年、退職後は趣味のコンプーターを楽しんでいます。ニューヨーク出生。 ツチノは日本出生で、私達が結婚したのは私が空軍にいた時、1958年でした



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