

In the aftermath of World War II, a local girl in a farm village in Japan met a young American serviceman in the occupying forces. When they fell in love, like thousands of other intrepid women, she gave up family and friends for an unknown life as a "war bride." Here is her unforgettable story, told as only it could be by the man for whom she risked all. Brave with them all of society's barbs of prejudice, and the vindictive ploys of a heartless USAF bureaucracy determined to break them up

A Link to the book’s web page is here

Amazon.com also stocks the book. Follow this link.



Welcome to our Web site. Thanks for dropping in and spending some time.

This site is intended for the benefit of our family and friends. Anyone is welcome to visit. If you are a visitor a few things about us.

I am a retired engineer. I was born in New York. Tsuchino was born in Japan and we met while I was serving in the U.S. Air Force. We have been happily married for over 48 years.

Feel free to browse around our site. If you have comments or questions please drop me a line at Mike AT MikeandTsuchino DOT com.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy your stay.

The site is laid out in several sections. Clicking on the navigation buttons at the top left of this page will take you to them also I have many internal links from page to page that are evident by the blue color and underline of the text. Regular visitors to the site will notice that it has changed. I lost the source to the old site design due to a computer problem and had to completely redesign the site. I also upgraded to the latest version of the design software I have been using. This new software did not support some of the design elements in the old site. 

The Hobbies Page shows pictures of our boat and boating around Puget Sound. Include in this page are links to pictures of Kisaragi-kai a Japanese women group that Tsuchino was President of for 8 years and The Japanese International Marriage Society. Tsuchino is Vice president of this group.

The Photo Gallery Page has pictures of Tsuchino and me. Included are pictures of our new home and some very old pictures of Tsuchino from when she was in elementary school.

The This Year Page has pictures of current events. This page will grow as the year progresses.

The Year 2005 Page has pictures of the Seattle and White River Bon Odori.

The Year 2004 Page has pictures of our trip to Hawaii for the 5th World Wide Conference of the Japanese International Marriage Society. We also have pictures of a few local trips we have taken.

The Year 2003 Page has pictures of our trip to Japan and Australia. It also includes pictures of our niece Miwako’s marriage to Matthew Renninger. They had a wedding in Ohio and also in Dazaifu, Japan. I have pictures of both events on this page.

The Year 2002 Page has pictures of our recent trip to Japan as well as pictures of Tsuchino’s eldest sisters visit to Seattle this October of 2002. I also have a video slide show of the visit on the Slide Shows Page.

The page Tsuchino, My Japanese War Bride the book I have just written. It has been published by American Book Publishing of Salt Lake City. Here is a link to the book’s web site

A new revision to the site is the inclusion of a Japanese Language page. I hope to expand this to have a Japanese Language version for each of the pages in this site. Currently I am experimenting with how to combine English and Japanese on the same page. I am not sure the software I am using will support what I want to do, but will not know until I try it on the web. To view the Japanese pages properly you must have Japanese language support loaded on your computer. This is available free from Microsoft’s web site.

I have added an old Japanese folk song to the Japanese Language page. Even if you can’t read Japanese visit the page, turn on your speakers and enjoy Kono Michi, which means This Road.

The Slide Show Page contains several slide shows. These are small movie files that will play in your Windows Media Player when you click on them. I have not made them for Real Video since the files are larger. If you need Real Video e-mail me and if I get enough request I will add Real Video files.

Please note that this site is constantly being expanded and developed. Check the revision date below to see if it is changed since your last visit. We change the revision date whenever changes are made to the site.

Revision date 10/20/2006


Tsuchino and me in Hawaii


Tsuchino in komono, early 1950’s


Tsuchino, early 1959

MIke and Tsuchino lo res

Me and Tsuchino, 2002

[Home] [Japanese] [This Year] [Year 2005] [Year 2004] [Year 2003] [Year 2002] [Hobbies] [Photo Galley] [Book] [Slide Shows]